
Basic Information Regarding the Funeral Home Business

Preparing a funeral service can be overwhelming for the funeral home staff. There are so many details to remember and plan. It may seem like we are not taking the job seriously, but it is our responsibility as professionals. If we do our job properly, we will provide the best funeral services possible. Here are some helpful tips on how to do your job right.

First, be sure to follow any directions given by the funeral homes. Remember, these instructions are given in no particular order. In fact, most of them are completely optional but could be worth following to make sure that everything is covered in the funeral plans. Arrange for the deceased to have a viewing or funeral memorial. Direct that any final arrangements, such as flowers, be paid by the beneficiary.

Next, arrange for the casket to be opened. Have the funeral director or pallbearers take possession of the casket and place it inside the hearse. The casket will then be transported to the mortuary. Arrange for the casket to be cremated upon death.

Then, we must address many issues regarding the funeral home director’s instructions. What would be the most fitting way to display the name of the deceased? Would a headstone be appropriate? How to transfer money and other goods?

Third, we must take care of any oral questions from the family. Many people ask how to write a funeral obituary and what is the proper protocol after the burial. Some questions are not easily answered by a funeral home and could be left for a professional to clarify. These questions include: how to address correspondence, whether cremation is preferred over burial, what is the proper method of making an obituary, etc. It could also be helpful to contact a cultural specialist or a genealogist to assist in writing an obituary if this is a family culture.

Finally, it is vital that we keep the price list of items supplied by the funeral home. The price list helps us to remember what items were paid for and what items remained unpaid. It is always best to have a price list ready so that all family members know exactly what they can afford and what is left in reserve. Most importantly, the price list helps make final arrangements with cash so that there is no confusion regarding what should happen to any outstanding funds.

Member Spotlight 

Sorensen Funeral Home

3180 30th Ave N

St. Petersburg, FL 33713

(727) 323-5111



St. Petersburg cremation process also involves an urn for the cremation ashes. There are several different types of cremation urns, ranging from simple boxes to urns that are quite elaborate in design. 

After cremation, the remains will be reduced to bone fragments and skeletal remains. The ashes are then cooled in a tray and will include any non-consumed metal objects, such as surgical screws or dental work.

Sorensen Funeral Home specializes in providing St. Petersburg funeral home. They are committed to providing each family with the best service possible.

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